The LoB5 Foundation for Research

Statutes, History and Research strategy

The LoB5 Foundation for Research is an International Scientific Organization, whose statutory purpose is to promote and fund scientific research, particularly in the biomedical fields and in a University-Hospital context.

    The Foundation is recognized as a general interest organism under French law. This status makes the Foundation able to receive donations and fundings from individuals, institutions or companies.

    Created in 2006 and located in Paris, France, the LoB5 Foundation aims to support and promote innovative approaches in many research fields. The main research thematics are related to head and neck pathologies and therapeutics, due to the medical speciality of the founders of the LoB5. However, all scientific researches can be supported by the Foundation, as long as their objectives lead to a significant potential benefit for the population, in accordance with the general interest statutes.

    The scientific team of the Foundation gathers an international group of researchers from 15 different countries, working in partnership on the Foundation projects. The efficiency of the Foundation investments is evaluated by the scientific board of the LoB5, considering the number and relevance of the international publications and related patents supported by the Foundation.

© The LoB5 Foundation for Research 2006-2014. All rights reserved.